Turning Specialists
Turning Specialists
THURN is able to offer an integrated and complete service level,
for the production of small, medium and big product series
Well organize, cost effective, flexible and efficient, THURN is ideal partner for nationwide and international Companies, to which is able to grant highest product quality standard and best service.
All work processes are performed automatically, with CNC tools
THURN is specialized
in metals and plastics turning,
for several kind of applications.
Highest professionalism level
Certified Quality
Accurate organization management
Modern CNC concept
THURN srl Via Postale Vecchia, 18
36070 Trissino VI - ITALY
T +39 0445 491754
F +39 0445 492364
P.IVA 03776820247
Customized solutions
From prototype to serial production
Complete production process
Highest precision
Short delivery time
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+39 0445 491754